How can I contact you?

Feel free to call us on +254772095090 or leave us an email at rceasynod@yahoo.com. Additionally, you can click on “Contact Us” button at the top ribbon of this page.

Where are you located?

Our headquarters are at Eldoret, Kisumu RD in Kenya. Our post box address is
P.O Box 99 -30100

What is your Mission?

Our mission goes as:
“Committed to lead people to Christ through preaching the Word of God, teaching them to grow into Christ’s likeness and equip them to provide Christian Service.”

What is your vision?

This is our vision:
“All people live and share in life, the cross and resurrection of Christ.”

What are your goals?

At RCEA, these are our goals:
1. Strengthen evangelism and mission work across East Africa countries.
2. Provide development and humanitarian services to the marginalized communities.
3. Promote godly centered governance of churches, institutions and departments that support the mission work.